Source code for planemo.reports.build_report

import base64

from galaxy.util import strip_control_characters
from jinja2 import (
from pkg_resources import resource_string

TITLE = "Results (powered by Planemo)"

cancel_fragment = "Invocation scheduling cancelled because"
fail_fragment = "Invocation scheduling failed because"

[docs] def render_message_to_string(invocation_message): # noqa: C901 # ChatGPT did a reasonable job of translating this from reason = invocation_message["reason"] if reason == "user_request": return f"{cancel_fragment} user requested cancellation." elif reason == "history_deleted": return f"{cancel_fragment} the history of the invocation was deleted." elif reason == "cancelled_on_review": return f"{cancel_fragment} the invocation was paused at step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1} and not approved." elif reason == "collection_failed": return f"{fail_fragment} step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1} requires a dataset collection created by step {invocation_message['dependent_workflow_step_id'] + 1}, but dataset collection entered a failed state." elif reason == "dataset_failed": if invocation_message.get("dependent_workflow_step_id") is not None: return f"{fail_fragment} step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1} requires a dataset created by step {invocation_message['dependent_workflow_step_id'] + 1}, but dataset entered a failed state." else: return f"{fail_fragment} step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1} requires a dataset, but dataset entered a failed state." elif reason == "job_failed": return f"{fail_fragment} step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1} depends on job(s) created in step {invocation_message['dependent_workflow_step_id'] + 1}, but a job for that step failed." elif reason == "output_not_found": return f"{fail_fragment} step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1} depends on output '{invocation_message['output_name']}' of step {invocation_message['dependent_workflow_step_id'] + 1}, but this step did not produce an output of that name." elif reason == "expression_evaluation_failed": return f"{fail_fragment} step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1} contains an expression that could not be evaluated." elif reason == "when_not_boolean": return f"{fail_fragment} step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1} is a conditional step and the result of the when expression is not a boolean type." elif reason == "unexpected_failure": at_step = "" if invocation_message.get("workflow_step_id") is not None: at_step = f" at step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1}" if "details" in invocation_message and invocation_message["details"]: return f"{fail_fragment} an unexpected failure occurred{at_step}: '{invocation_message['details']}'" return f"{fail_fragment} an unexpected failure occurred{at_step}." elif reason == "workflow_output_not_found": return f"Defined workflow output '{invocation_message['output_name']}' was not found in step {invocation_message['workflow_step_id'] + 1}." else: return reason
[docs] def build_report(structured_data, report_type="html", execution_type="Test", **kwds): """Use report_{report_type}.tpl to build page for report.""" environment = dict( title=TITLE, raw_data=structured_data, ) __fix_test_ids(environment) environment = __inject_summary(environment) environment["execution_type"] = execution_type if report_type == "html": # The HTML report format needs a lot of extra, custom data. # IMO, this seems to suggest it should be embedded. environment["title"] = None markdown = template_data(environment, "report_markdown.tpl") environment["title"] = " ".join((environment["execution_type"], TITLE)) environment["raw_data"] = base64.b64encode(markdown.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") environment.update( { "custom_style": __style("custom.css"), "custom_script": __script("custom"), "bootstrap_style": __style("bootstrap.min.css"), "jquery_script": __script("jquery.min"), "bootstrap_script": __script("bootstrap.min"), "markdown_it_script": __script("markdown-it.min"), } ) return template_data(environment, "report_%s.tpl" % report_type)
[docs] def template_data(environment, template_name, **kwds): """Build an arbitrary templated page.""" env_kwargs = {} if template_name == "report_markdown.tpl": env_kwargs["keep_trailing_newline"] = True env_kwargs["trim_blocks"] = True env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("planemo", "reports"), **env_kwargs) env.filters["strip_control_characters"] = lambda x: strip_control_characters(x) if x else x env.globals["render_message_to_string"] = render_message_to_string template = env.get_template(template_name) return template.render(**environment)
def __fix_test_ids(environment): for test in environment["raw_data"]["tests"]: test_data = test.get("data") if test_data and test_data.get("tool_id"): test["id"] = f"{test_data['tool_id']} (Test #{test_data['test_index'] + 1})" def __inject_summary(environment): total = 0 errors = 0 failures = 0 skips = 0 for execution in environment["raw_data"]["tests"]: total += 1 test_data = execution.get("data") if test_data: status = test_data.get("status") if status == "error": errors += 1 elif status == "failure": failures += 1 elif status == "skipped": skips += 1 environment["raw_data"]["results"] = { "total": total, "errors": errors, "failures": failures, "skips": skips, } if "suitename" not in environment: environment["raw_data"]["suitename"] = TITLE return environment def __style(filename): resource = __load_resource(filename) return "<style>%s</style>" % resource def __script(short_name): resource = __load_resource("%s.js" % short_name) return "<script>%s</script>" % resource def __load_resource(name): return resource_string(__name__, name).decode("UTF-8")