test_reports commandΒΆ

This section is auto-generated from the help text for the planemo command test_reports. This help message can be generated with planemo test_reports --help.


planemo test_reports [OPTIONS] FILE_PATH


Generate human readable tool test reports.

Creates reports in various formats (HTML, text, markdown) from the structured test output (tool_test_output.json).


--test_output PATH              Output test report (HTML - for humans)
                                defaults to tool_test_output.html.
--test_output_text PATH         Output test report (Basic text - for display
                                in CI)
--test_output_markdown PATH     Output test report (Markdown style - for
                                humans & computers)
--test_output_xunit PATH        Output test report (xunit style - for CI
--test_output_junit PATH        Output test report (jUnit style - for CI
--test_output_allure DIRECTORY  Output test allure2 framework resutls
--help                          Show this message and exit.