Source code for planemo.workflow_lint

import inspect
import json
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (

import requests
import yaml
from bioblend import toolshed
from bioblend.toolshed import ToolShedInstance
from galaxy.tool_util.lint import LintContext
from galaxy.tool_util.loader_directory import EXCLUDE_WALK_DIRS
from galaxy.tool_util.parser.yaml import __to_test_assert_list
from galaxy.tool_util.verify import asserts
from gxformat2.lint import (
from gxformat2.yaml import ordered_load

from planemo.exit_codes import (
from planemo.galaxy.workflows import (
from planemo.runnable import (
from planemo.shed import DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF

    from planemo.cli import PlanemoCliContext

POTENTIAL_WORKFLOW_FILES = re.compile(r"^.*(\.yml|\.yaml|\.ga)$")

[docs] class WorkflowLintContext(LintContext): # Setup training topic for linting - probably should pass this through # from click arguments. training_topic = None
[docs] def generate_dockstore_yaml(directory: str, publish: bool = True) -> str: workflows = [] all_workflow_paths = list(find_workflow_descriptions(directory)) for workflow_path in all_workflow_paths: test_parameter_path = f"{workflow_path.rsplit('.', 1)[0]}-tests.yml" workflow_entry: Dict[str, Any] = { # TODO: support CWL "name": "main" if len(all_workflow_paths) == 1 else os.path.basename(workflow_path).split(".ga")[0], "subclass": "Galaxy", "publish": publish, "primaryDescriptorPath": f"/{os.path.relpath(workflow_path, directory)}", } if os.path.exists(test_parameter_path): workflow_entry["testParameterFiles"] = [f"/{os.path.relpath(test_parameter_path, directory)}"] with open(workflow_path) as f: workflow_dict = ordered_load(f) # add author if len(workflow_dict.get("creator", [])) > 0: creators = workflow_dict["creator"] authors = [] for creator in creators: author = {} # Put name first if "name" in creator: author["name"] = creator["name"] for field, value in creator.items(): if field in ["class", "name"]: continue if field == "identifier": # Check if it is an orcid: # Read orcid = re.findall(r"(?:\d{4}-){3}\d{3}[0-9X]", value) if len(orcid) > 0: # Check the orcid is valid if ( requests.get( f"{orcid[0]}", headers={"Accept": "application/xml"}, allow_redirects=True, ).status_code == 200 ): author["orcid"] = orcid[0] else: # If it is not put as identifier author["identifier"] = value else: author["identifier"] = value else: author[field] = value authors.append(author) workflow_entry["authors"] = authors workflows.append(workflow_entry) # Force version to the top of file but serializing rest of config separately contents = "version: %s\n" % DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF_VERSION contents += yaml.dump({"workflows": workflows}, sort_keys=False) return contents
[docs] def lint_workflow_artifacts_on_paths( ctx: "PlanemoCliContext", paths: Iterable[str], lint_args: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] ) -> int: report_level = lint_args["level"] lint_context = WorkflowLintContext(report_level, skip_types=lint_args["skip_types"]) for path in paths: _lint_workflow_artifacts_on_path(lint_context, path, lint_args) if lint_context.failed(lint_args["fail_level"]): return EXIT_CODE_GENERIC_FAILURE else: return EXIT_CODE_OK
def _lint_workflow_artifacts_on_path( lint_context: WorkflowLintContext, path: str, lint_args: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] ) -> None: for potential_workflow_artifact_path in find_potential_workflow_files(path): if os.path.basename(potential_workflow_artifact_path) == DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF: lint_context.lint("lint_dockstore", _lint_dockstore_config, potential_workflow_artifact_path) elif looks_like_a_workflow(potential_workflow_artifact_path): def structure(path, lint_context): with open(path) as f: workflow_dict = ordered_load(f) workflow_class = workflow_dict.get("class") lint_func = lint_format2 if workflow_class == "GalaxyWorkflow" else lint_ga lint_func(lint_context, workflow_dict, path=path) lint_context.lint("lint_structure", structure, potential_workflow_artifact_path) lint_context.lint("lint_best_practices", _lint_best_practices, potential_workflow_artifact_path) lint_context.lint("lint_tests", _lint_tsts, potential_workflow_artifact_path) lint_context.lint("lint_tool_ids", _lint_tool_ids, potential_workflow_artifact_path) else: # Allow linting ro crates and such also pass # misspell for pytest def _lint_tsts(path: str, lint_context: WorkflowLintContext) -> None: runnables = for_path(path) if not isinstance(runnables, list): runnables = [runnables] for runnable in runnables: test_cases = cases(runnable) if len(test_cases) == 0: lint_context.warn("Workflow missing test cases.") return all_tests_valid = True for test_case in test_cases: if isinstance(test_case, TestCase): if not _lint_case(path, test_case, lint_context): all_tests_valid = False else: lint_context.warn(f"Test case of type {type(test_case)} not currently supported.") all_tests_valid = False if all_tests_valid: lint_context.valid(f"Tests appear structurally correct for {runnable.path}") def _lint_best_practices(path: str, lint_context: WorkflowLintContext) -> None: # noqa: C901 """ This function duplicates the checks made by Galaxy's best practices panel: """ def check_json_for_untyped_params(j): values = j.values() if isinstance(j, dict) else j for value in values: if type(value) in [list, dict, OrderedDict]: if check_json_for_untyped_params(value): return True elif isinstance(value, str): if re.match(r"\$\{.+?\}", value): return True return False with open(path) as f: workflow_dict = ordered_load(f) steps = workflow_dict.get("steps", {}) # annotation if not workflow_dict.get("annotation"): lint_context.warn("Workflow is not annotated.") # creator if not len(workflow_dict.get("creator", [])) > 0: lint_context.warn("Workflow does not specify a creator.") # license if not workflow_dict.get("license"): lint_context.warn("Workflow does not specify a license.") # checks on individual steps for step in steps.values(): # disconnected inputs if step.get("type") not in ["data_collection_input", "parameter_input"]: for input in step.get("inputs", []): if input.get("name") not in step.get("input_connections"): # TODO: check optional lint_context.warn( f"Input {input.get('name')} of workflow step {step.get('annotation') or step.get('id')} is disconnected." ) # missing metadata if not step.get("annotation"): lint_context.warn(f"Workflow step with ID {step.get('id')} has no annotation.") if not step.get("label"): lint_context.warn(f"Workflow step with ID {step.get('id')} has no label.") # untyped parameters if workflow_dict.get("class") == "GalaxyWorkflow": tool_state = step.get("tool_state", {}) pjas = step.get("out", {}) else: tool_state = json.loads(step.get("tool_state", "{}")) pjas = step.get("post_job_actions", {}) if check_json_for_untyped_params(tool_state): lint_context.warn(f"Workflow step with ID {step.get('id')} specifies an untyped parameter as an input.") if check_json_for_untyped_params(pjas): lint_context.warn( f"Workflow step with ID {step.get('id')} specifies an untyped parameter in the post-job actions." ) # unlabeled outputs are checked by gxformat2, no need to check here def _lint_case(path: str, test_case: TestCase, lint_context: WorkflowLintContext) -> bool: test_valid = True i_labels = input_labels(workflow_path=path) job_keys = test_case.input_ids for key in job_keys: if key not in i_labels: # consider an error instead? lint_context.warn( f"Unknown workflow input in test job definition [{key}], workflow inputs are [{i_labels}]" ) test_valid = False # check non-optional parameters are set for required_label in required_input_labels(path): if required_label not in job_keys: template = "Non-optional input has no value specified in workflow test job [%s], job specifies inputs [%s]" lint_context.error(template % (required_label, job_keys)) test_valid = False for input_id, input_def in test_case._job.items(): if not _tst_input_valid(test_case, input_id, input_def, lint_context): test_valid = False test_output_ids = test_case.tested_output_ids o_labels = output_labels(path) found_valid_expectation = False for test_output_id in test_output_ids: if test_output_id not in o_labels: template = "Test found for unknown workflow output [%s], workflow outputs [%s]" lint_context.error(template % (test_output_id, o_labels)) test_valid = False else: found_valid_expectation = True # TODO: validate structure of test expectations output_expectations = test_case.output_expectations[test_output_id] test_valid = is_valid_output_expectations(lint_context=lint_context, output_expectations=output_expectations) if not found_valid_expectation: lint_context.warn("Found no valid test expectations for workflow test") test_valid = False return test_valid
[docs] def is_valid_output_expectations(lint_context, output_expectations): all_assertion_definitions = [] if isinstance(output_expectations, (int, str, float, bool)): # CWL style parameter output return True elif "element_tests" in output_expectations: # This is a collection for element_id in output_expectations["element_tests"]: all_assertion_definitions.append(output_expectations["element_tests"][element_id].get("asserts")) else: all_assertion_definitions.append(output_expectations.get("asserts")) for assertion_definitions in all_assertion_definitions: if not _check_test_assertions(lint_context, assertion_definitions): return False return True
def _check_test_assertions( lint_context: WorkflowLintContext, assertion_definitions: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] ) -> bool: # we are already in Python, not XML, so it is simpler to lint assertions by checking against the # Python functions directly, rather than checking against galaxy.xsd as for tool linting assertions_valid = True if assertion_definitions: # Can be either a dictionary with different assert # Or a list with max of asserts and potentially identical # We transform to list: assertion_definitions_list = __to_test_assert_list(assertion_definitions) for assertion_description in assertion_definitions_list: function = asserts.assertion_functions.get(f"assert_{assertion_description['tag']}") if function is None: lint_context.error(f"Invalid assertion: assert_{assertion_description['tag']} does not exists") assertions_valid = False continue signature = inspect.signature(function) function_args = inspect.getfullargspec(function).args assertion_params = assertion_description["attributes"].copy() if "verify_assertions_function" in function_args: assertion_params["verify_assertions_function"] = asserts.verify_assertion if "children" in function_args: if "asserts" in assertion_params: assertion_params["children"] = assertion_params["asserts"] del assertion_params["asserts"] if "children" not in assertion_params: assertion_params["children"] = [] _check_test_assertions(lint_context, assertion_params["children"]) del assertion_params["that"] try: # try mapping the function with the attributes supplied and check for TypeError signature.bind("", **assertion_params) except AssertionError: pass except TypeError as e: lint_context.error(f"Invalid assertion in tests: assert_{assertion_description['tag']} {str(e)}") assertions_valid = False return assertions_valid def _tst_input_valid( test_case: TestCase, input_id: str, input_def: Dict[str, Any], lint_context: WorkflowLintContext, ) -> bool: if isinstance(input_def, dict): # else assume it is a parameter clazz = input_def.get("class") if clazz == "File": input_path = input_def.get("path") if input_path: if not os.path.isabs(input_path): input_path = os.path.join(test_case.tests_directory, input_path) if not os.path.exists(input_path): message = "Test referenced File path [%s] not found" % input_path lint_context.warn(message) return False elif clazz == "Collection": for elem in input_def.get("elements", []): elem_valid = _tst_input_valid(test_case, input_id, elem, lint_context) if not elem_valid: return False return True def _lint_dockstore_config(path: str, lint_context: WorkflowLintContext) -> None: dockstore_yaml = None try: with open(path) as f: dockstore_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) except Exception: lint_context.error("Invalid YAML found in %s" % DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF) return if not isinstance(dockstore_yaml, dict): lint_context.error("Invalid YAML contents found in %s" % DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF) return if "workflows" not in dockstore_yaml: lint_context.error("Invalid YAML contents found in %s, no workflows defined" % DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF) return workflow_entries = dockstore_yaml.get("workflows") if not isinstance(workflow_entries, list): lint_context.error("Invalid YAML contents found in %s, workflows not a list" % DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF) return for workflow_entry in workflow_entries: _lint_dockstore_workflow_entry(lint_context, os.path.dirname(path), workflow_entry) def _lint_dockstore_workflow_entry( lint_context: WorkflowLintContext, directory: str, workflow_entry: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: if not isinstance(workflow_entry, dict): lint_context.error("Invalid YAML contents found in %s, workflow entry not a dict" % DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF) return found_errors = False for required_key in ["primaryDescriptorPath", "subclass"]: if required_key not in workflow_entry: lint_context.error(f"{DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF} workflow entry missing required key {required_key}") found_errors = True for recommended_key in ["testParameterFiles"]: if recommended_key not in workflow_entry: lint_context.warn(f"{DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF} workflow entry missing recommended key {recommended_key}") if found_errors: # Don't do the rest of the validation for a broken file. return # TODO: validate subclass descriptor_path = workflow_entry["primaryDescriptorPath"] test_files = workflow_entry.get("testParameterFiles", []) for referenced_file in [descriptor_path] + test_files: referenced_path = os.path.join(directory, referenced_file[1:]) if not os.path.exists(referenced_path): lint_context.error(f"{DOCKSTORE_REGISTRY_CONF} workflow entry references absent file {referenced_file}")
[docs] def looks_like_a_workflow(path: str) -> bool: """Return boolean indicating if this path looks like a workflow.""" if POTENTIAL_WORKFLOW_FILES.match(os.path.basename(path)): with open(path) as f: workflow_dict = ordered_load(f) if not isinstance(workflow_dict, dict): # Not exactly right - could have a #main def - do better and sync with Galaxy. return False return bool(workflow_dict.get("class") == "GalaxyWorkflow" or workflow_dict.get("a_galaxy_workflow")) return False
[docs] def find_workflow_descriptions(directory: str) -> Iterator[str]: for potential_workflow_artifact_path in find_potential_workflow_files(directory): if looks_like_a_workflow(potential_workflow_artifact_path): yield potential_workflow_artifact_path
[docs] def find_potential_workflow_files(directory: str) -> List[str]: """Return a list of potential workflow files in a directory.""" if not os.path.exists(directory): raise ValueError(f"Directory not found {directory}") matches = [] if os.path.isdir(directory): for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): # exclude some directories (like .hg) from traversing dirnames[:] = [dir for dir in dirnames if dir not in EXCLUDE_WALK_DIRS] for filename in filenames: if POTENTIAL_WORKFLOW_FILES.match(filename): matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) else: matches.append(directory) return matches
[docs] def find_repos_from_tool_id(tool_id: str, ts: ToolShedInstance) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Return a string which indicates what failed and dict with all revisions for a given tool id """ if "/repos" not in tool_id: return ("", {}) # assume a built in tool *_, owner, name, _tool_id, _version = tool_id.split("/") try: repo = ts.repositories.get_repositories(name, owner)[0] repos = ts.repositories._get(url=f'{ts.repositories._make_url()}/{repo["id"]}/metadata') except Exception as e: return (f"The ToolShed returned an error when searching for the most recent version of {tool_id}: {e}", {}) if len(repos) == 0: return (f"The tool {tool_id} is not in the toolshed (may have been tagged as invalid).", {}) else: return ("", repos)
[docs] def assert_valid_tool_id_in_tool_shed(tool_id: str, ts: ToolShedInstance) -> Optional[str]: if "/repos" not in tool_id: return None warning_msg, repos = find_repos_from_tool_id(tool_id, ts) if warning_msg: return warning_msg for repo in repos.values(): tools = repo.get("tools", []) for tool in tools: if tool_id == tool.get("guid"): return None return f"The tool {tool_id} is not in the toolshed (may have been tagged as invalid)."
def _lint_tool_ids(path: str, lint_context: WorkflowLintContext) -> None: def _lint_tool_ids_steps(lint_context: WorkflowLintContext, wf_dict: Dict, ts: ToolShedInstance) -> bool: """Returns whether a single tool_id was invalid""" failed = False steps = wf_dict.get("steps", {}) for step in steps.values(): if step.get("type", "tool") == "tool" and not step.get("run", {}).get("class") == "GalaxyWorkflow": warning_msg = assert_valid_tool_id_in_tool_shed(step["tool_id"], ts) if warning_msg: lint_context.error(warning_msg) failed = True elif step.get("type") == "subworkflow": # GA SWF sub_failed = _lint_tool_ids_steps(lint_context, step["subworkflow"], ts) if sub_failed: failed = True elif step.get("run", {}).get("class") == "GalaxyWorkflow": # gxformat2 SWF sub_failed = _lint_tool_ids_steps(lint_context, step["run"], ts) if sub_failed: failed = True else: continue return failed with open(path) as f: workflow_dict = ordered_load(f) ts = toolshed.ToolShedInstance(url=MAIN_TOOLSHED_URL) failed = _lint_tool_ids_steps(lint_context, workflow_dict, ts) if not failed: lint_context.valid("All tool ids appear to be valid.") return None